Seminar Series HT 2020-21

The TCD Statistics Seminar series for Hilary Term of the 2020/2021 year will take place on Microsoft Teams, unless otherwise stated. Seminars usually involve a 30 minute presentation followed by 15-20 minutes discussion. Access to the online meetings is currently restricted to users whose email addresses are on the email distribution list for the Seminar Series. If you would like to be added to the distribution list, or to a particular talk, mail tobinjo at, including ‘Seminar Series Access’ in the subject.

Talks on work in progress are encouraged, as well as presentation of completed research. The seminar series also provides graduate students with an opportunity to develop their presentation skills and discuss their research.

For more information about each seminar, please click the link in the ‘Details’ column below.

Schedules for past semesters can be found here.

03/2Ph.D. Lightning RoundDaniel Dempsey, Guylain Grange & Joshua Francis present updates on their work. Link12:00
10/2Alessio BenavoliA unified framework for closed-form nonparametric regression, classification, preference, and mixed problems with Skew Gaussian ProcessesLink12:00
03/3Ph.D. Lightning RoundLaura Byrne & Joshua Tobin present updates on their work. Link12:00
10/3Alexandra GessnerLinearly constrained Gaussians: sampling and integrationLink12:00
24/3James NgLogistic Gaussian Density Estimation on the unit HypersphereLink12:00
07/4Florian MaireWeak Peskun ordering for approximate MCMC comparison. Link14:00
28/4Ph.D. Lightning RoundSebastian Appleby & Oluwatobiloba Olajubu present updates on their work. Link12:00
05/5Athanasios GeorgiadisRecent progress and open directions in spatial statisticsLink10:00
12/5Athanasios GeorgiadisNonparametric Density EstimationLink10:00