Seminar Series HT 2022-2023

The TCD Statistics Seminar series for Hilary Term of the 2022/2023 year was hybrid, accessible online while held on campus. Seminars involved a 40 minute presentation followed by 15-20 minutes discussion. Access to the online meetings is currently restricted to users whose email addresses are on the email distribution list for the series. If you would like to be added to the distribution list, or to a particular talk, mail tobinjo at, including ‘Seminar Series Access’ in the subject.

Talks on work in progress are encouraged, as well as presentation of completed research. The seminar series also provides graduate students with an opportunity to develop their presentation skills and discuss their research.

For more information about each seminar, please click the link in the ‘Details’ column below.

Schedules for past semesters can be found here: HT 2021-22, MT 2021-22, HT 2020-21.

07/03Dr Lampros BouranisBayesian analysis of diffusion-driven multi-type epidemic models with application to COVID-19 Link11:00LB1.20/Teams
16/03Dr Silvia D’AngeloA latent variable model to infer food intake using multiple metabolomic biomarkersLink11:00LB0.11/Teams
23/03Hieu CaoA Bayesian approach for regression in the presence of covariate shift: an application to galaxies redshift estimation Link11:00LB0.11/Teams
30/03PhD Lightning RoundLitty Mathew and James O’Malley introduce their research Link11:00LB0.11/Teams
13/04Ultán DohertyModel-Based Clustering of Flow and Mass Cytometry DataLink11:00LB0.11/Teams
19/04Prof Refik SoyerLatent Factor Bayesian Multivariate INAR ModelsLink11:00LB1.20/Teams
11/05Joshua TobinConsistent Mode-Finding for Parametric and Non-Parametric Clustering Link11:00LB0.11/Teams
25/05Rishabh VishwakarmaNovel visualisation tools for model interpretation of statistical models fit to compositional data in the context of grassland ecologyLink11:00LB0.11/Teams