On Friday, October 27th, 2023, the seminar series hosted Dr. Jin Zhao, an assistant professor in Electronic and Electrical Engineering (Systems) at Trinity College Dublin, to discuss about AI, extreme weather, green electricity, and large-scale outage events. Details for the talk are below.
About AI, extreme weather, green electricity, and large-scale outage events
In order to build resilient power grids against extreme events, advanced machine learning
techniques are used to support the power system pre-event preparedness, event mitigation, and
post-event restoration. To defend sequential extreme events such as hurricanes, an adaptive
survival of critical loads is realized using a new combined learning method that considers both
physical security constraints of power systems and weather activities. A high-level discussion is
provided related to large-scale outage events of highly renewable penetrated power grids under
extreme weather conditions.
Jin Zhao is an Assistant Professor in Electronic and Electrical Engineering (Systems) at Trinity
College Dublin. She is the Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow of Germany. She was a
Research Scientist at The University of Tennessee (UTK), USA. She received the B.E. and Ph.D.
degrees from Shandong University, Jinan, China, all in Electrical Engineering, in 2015 and 2020,
respectively. She was an outstanding reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Power Systems and
IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy. She is an associate editor of IET Generation,
Transmission & Distribution. She is the chair of IEEE Task Force AISR. Her research interests
include power system resilience, transmission and distribution system restoration, optimal
operation of highly renewable energy integrated systems, resilient micro-grids, and machine