Seminar Series MT 2024/2025

The TCD Statistics Seminar series for Michaelmas Term of the 2024/2025 year were hybrid events, accessible online while being held on campus.

Talks on work in progress are encouraged, as well as presentation of completed research. The seminar series also provides graduate students with an opportunity to develop their presentation skills and discuss their research.

Clicking on the name of the speaker would redirect to their website (when available). For more information about each seminar, please click the link in the ‘Details’ column below.

Schedules for past semesters can be found here: HT 2023-24, MT 2023-24, HT 2022-23, HT 2021-22, MT 2021-22.

20/09 Dr. Silvia D’Angelo Data compression for clustering high-dimensional discrete data Link 11:00 LCR/Teams
04/10 Prof. Satish Iyengar Clustering Problems Arising in Psychiatry Link 11:00 LCR/Teams
11/10 Dhorasso Temfack An Ensemble Approach to Epidemic Modeling: Integrating Hawkes Processes and SEIR Models Link 11:00 LCR/Teams
18/10 Dr. Cornelius Fritz A Regression Framework for Studying Relationships among Attributes under Network Interference Link 11:00 LCR/Teams
25/10 Prof. Faicel Chamroukhi On some research and innovation challenges in AI Link 11:00 LCR/Teams
08/11 Mike Salter-Townshend Estimating and Correcting Sampling Bias in Genetics Studies Link 11:00 LCR/Teams
15/11 Prof. John Haslett Thoughts on Academic Writing (click here for slides) Link 11:00 LCR/Teams
22/11 Prof. Yudi Pawitan Confidence in the reasoning of large language models Link 10:00 SCR/Teams
29/11 Dr. Duygu İÇEN Computing linear regression with words Link 11:00 LCR/Teams
05/12 Die Hu Evaluating biodiversity and management strategies for ecosystem functions Link 11:00 LCR/Teams
12/12 Dr. Benjamin Roycraft Feature Generating Models: Inference in Purely High Dimensions Link 11:00 LCR/Teams