Seminar 11/05: ‘Consistent Mode-Finding for Parametric and Non-Parametric Clustering’

On Thursday, May 11th, the seminar series hosted a talk from Joshua Tobin, a postdoctoral researcher in Trinity College Dublin, discussing theoretical properties of the density peaks clustering algorithm and extensions to the peak-finding framework for clustering. Details for the talk are below. Title Consistent Mode-Finding for Parametric and Non-Parametric Clustering Abstract Density peaks clustering … Read more

Seminar 13/04: ‘Model-Based Clustering of Flow and Mass Cytometry Data’

On Thursday, April 13th, the seminar series hosted a talk from Ultán Doherty, PhD Candidate in Trinity College Dublin, introducing a novel model-based clustering approach for detecting populations in cytometry data. Details for the talk are below. Title Model-Based Clustering of Flow and Mass Cytometry Data Abstract Flow and Mass Cytometry are techniques use in … Read more

Seminar 30/03: PhD Lightning Round

On March 30th, the seminar series will welcome two lightning talks from PhD students in our department, introducing their research. Litty Mathew will speak about and James O’Malley will speak about . The details for their talks are below. James O’Malley Abstract The LegacyNet project is a network of 32 international sites, established to investigate … Read more

Seminar 19/04: ‘Latent Factor Bayesian Multivariate INAR Models’

On April 19th, the seminar series will welcome Prof Refik Soyer, chair of decision sciences and statistics at the George Washington University (GWU) in Washington D.C. Prof Soyer will present work completed jointly with Di Zhang (GWU) and Hedibert Lopes (Arizona State University) introducing a new class of multivariate integer-valued autoregressive models. Title Latent Factor … Read more

Seminar 23/03: ‘A Bayesian approach for regression in the presence of covariate shift: an application to galaxies redshift estimation’

On March 23rd, Hieu Cao, a PhD student at Trinity College Dublin, will present a Bayesian approach to regression in the presence of covariate shift. Details for Hieu’s talk are below. Title A Bayesian approach for regression in the presence of covariate shift: an application to galaxies redshift estimation. Abstract In the regression setting, it … Read more

Seminar 16/03: ‘A latent variable model to infer food intake using multiple metabolomic biomarkers’

On March 16th, the seminar series welcomed Dr Silvia D’Angelo, Assistant Professor in Statistics at Trinity College Dublin. Dr D’Angelo presented work, published in the Annals of Applied Statistics, developing latent variables models to infer food intake from metabolomic biomarkers. Title A latent variable model to infer food intake using multiple metabolomic biomarkers Abstract Metabolomic-based … Read more

Seminar 07/3: ‘Bayesian analysis of diffusion-driven multi-type epidemic models with application to COVID-19

On March 7th, the seminar series will welcome Dr. Lampros Bouranis, a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow at the Department of Statistics, Athens University of Economics and Business. Dr. Bouranis presented work, completed jointly with Nikolaos Demiris (AUEB), Konstantinos Kalogeropoulos (LSE) and Ioannis Ntzoufras (AUEB), investigating the age-specific transmission dynamics of COVID-19. Title Bayesian analysis of diffusion-driven … Read more

Seminar 31/5: ‘Representation Costs of Linear Neural Networks: Analysis and Design’

On May 31st, the seminar series welcomed Prof. Mina Karzand of the University of California, Davis. Prof. Karzand presented work, introduced at NeurIPS 2021, studying representation costs of linear neural networks. Title: Representation Costs of Linear Neural Networks: Analysis and Design Abstract: For different parameterizations (mappings from parameters to predictors), we study the regularization cost … Read more

Seminar 27/4: ‘Bayesian Distributed Lag Regression and Model Selection Method for the Analysis of ANCA Vasculitis Flares.’

On April 27th, Daniel Dempsey presented a novel method for the analysis of ANCA vasculitis flare using Bayesian distributed lag regression. Details for Daniel’s talk are below. Title  Bayesian Distributed Lag Regression and Model Selection Method for the Analysis of ANCA Vasculitis Flares. Abstract ANCA vasculitis is an autoimmune disease characterised by relapses, or flares, … Read more

Seminar 20/4: ‘Incorporating Expert Opinion in Statistical Analysis’

On April 20th, the seminar series welcomed Philip Cooney, a PhD student in Trinity College. Philip spoke about novel methods for incorporating expert opinion in statistical analysis. Details of Philip’s talk are below. The manuscript on which the talk is based is available here and Philip has also prepared a Github repository with an implementation … Read more