PhD Candidate, Department of Statistics, School of Computer Science & Statistics
Email: dohertyu@tcd.ie
Links: Personal Website, Twitter, ResearchGate, ORCID, GitHub
Funding: Irish Research Council Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship (IRC GOIPG)
- Arthur White (School of Computer Science and Statistics)
- Rachel McLoughlin (School of Biochemistry and Immunology)
Current Research
- Automated Population Identification Methods for Flow and Mass Cytometry Data
- Model-Based Clustering
Teaching Assistant / Lab Demonstrator Roles
- 2023/24 – MAU11002: Mathematics, Statistics, and Computation II
- 2022/23 – MAU11002: Mathematics, Statistics, and Computation II
- 2022/23 – STU33011: Multivariate Linear Analysis
- 2022/23 – STU22004: Applied Probability II
- 2021/22 – MAU11002: Mathematics, Statistics, and Computation II