Seminar Series Hilary Term 2023-2024

The TCD Statistics Seminar series for the Hilary Term of 2023/2024 year were hybrid events, accessible online while being held on campus. Seminars usually involved a 40 minute presentation followed by a 15-20 minutes discussion. Access to the online meetings is currently restricted to users whose email addresses are on the email distribution list for the series. If you would like to be added to the distribution list, or to a particular talk, mail, including ‘Seminar Series Access’ in the subject.

Talks on work in progress are encouraged, as well as presentation of completed research. The seminar series also provides graduate students with an opportunity to develop their presentation skills and discuss their research.

Clicking on the name of the speaker would redirect to their website (when available). For more information about each seminar, please click the link in the ‘Details’ column below.

To add a seminar to your calendar, click the highlighted title of the talk. To add all of the seminars to your calendar, click here to download the ICS file.

Schedules for past semesters can be found here: MT 2023-24, HT 2022-23, HT 2021-22, MT 2021-22, HT 2020-21.

31/01Dr. Joshua TobinCo-clustering multi-view data with the Latent Block ModelLink10:00Room 0.11/Teams
07/02Prof. Simon WilsonEstimating the number of species using proxy data on effortLink10:00SCR/Teams
28/02Dr. Arthur WhiteCluster Analysis of Linguistic Profiles of Old English TextsLink10:00SCR/Teams
13/03Prof. Paul McNicholasHandling Outliers in Model-Based ClusteringLink10:00SCR/Teams
27/03Dr. Tin Lok James NgA Generalized Bayesian Approach to Distribution-on-Distribution RegressionLink10:00SCR/Teams
03/04Emmanuel AkewejeEnsemble Clustering for Learning Mixtures of Gaussian ProcessesLink10:00SCR/Teams
10/04Dung PhamApproximate Linear Solvers for Scalable Statistical Algorithms: A Generalized ApproachLink10:00SCR/Teams